Living in Cosmic Rhythm 101:
Jyotish Vedic Astrology Immersion

with Jyotisha, Riley Skye and guest Shiva Rea (Movement Meditations)

Join Jyotisha, Riley Skye  in a sacred journey to understand the foundations of living in cosmic rhythm for practitioners and yoga teachers alike. 

Our Sunday Soul Syncs will explore the planetary cycles and their effect on our physiological, psychological, and social patterns. 

In addition, you will learn how these phenomena personally affect your life in relation to your own natal chart. During this cosmic immersion we will survey the powerful macro-cycles linked and synced to holy-days/festivals honored within Vedic/Tantric sadhana. 

The cosmic power of these sacred events, the new + full moon energies, as well as solar season potential will be harnessed through rituals of attunement and activation; all aligned to the rhythms of heaven.

 Bi~Monthly - all times PST

   Replays will be posted in course portal here on 

                    UPCOMING:  Sept 12 + 19th 11:00 AM

Module Two: October coming soon (:


Payment Flow

With Your Guides:

Riley Skye, MS, LAc., MAOM, RYT-500, C.Ay, is a Jyotiish Astrologer, Yoga Therapist, Practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine (C.Ay), Master of Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine (MAOM), and holds an MS in Pain Management from Tufts University School of Medicine. Frankye has over seven years of clinical and teaching experience using evidence based therapies, experiential techniques, and subtle-body methods to holistically manage pain and suffering.

Riley Skye

With Your Guides:

Movement is life for Shiva Rea, M.A, global Prana Vinyasa teacher, activist, and innovator in the evolution of vinyasa yoga around the world from large-scale festivals and conferences to unplugged retreats, and is known for offering the synthesis form of Vinyasa Flow bringing the roots of yoga alive for modern practitioners in creative, dynamic, and life-transforming ways for over 25 years. She is a pioneer in reviving the art of namaskar through diverse namaskars or salutations as well as developing wave-sequencing, three-part vinyasa to teaching alignment in the flow, energetic alignment, multi-dimensional sequencing, mandala circular wave-sequencing, rasa prana vinyasa, and integrating the creative, spontaneous movement known as “sahaja” in post-modern yoga.

Shiva Rea