Heart of the Yogini 2021 - Spring Navaratri

With your guide Shiva Rea & Global Pulse Collective

Welcome to Spring Shakti Sadhana 

This year we are partnering with www.livekick.com/heartofyogini where all of our practices will live. We are closing registration now on this site. Please visit livekick.com to register for this offering. 

We open to the power of Navaratri or the Nine-Nights for daily meditation, ritual, mantra, Prana Vinyasa Shakti Namaskars and community altars.

Navaratri is a 10-day sadhana period dedicated to the triple form of the Great Mother that is celebrated around the world during the transforming period of the Spring Equinox when the world is in a delicate balance.

Shakti Sadhana opens our life to transform (Ma Durga), create (Ma Saraswati), sustain as abundant love (Sri Lakshmi) and celebrate the victory of consciousness as the culminating point of the sadhana period.  

This journey is accompanied by simple life-sadhanas and a period of blessing and fortifying one's home to bless and celebrate the fruition of the year's journey at the following New Moon. This is a process that is inclusive to all spiritual backgrounds and encourages a personal approach to the universal teachings and practical wisdom of yoga.

Sadhana includes,  live Zoom circle, an active WhatsApp group, guided audio meditation, Navaratri video-meditation portal with background reading, Shakti Prana Flow Practices and Prana Flow Shakti transformative sadhana. 

All zoom circles will  be available live or as  replay. 

May all beings know the peace and support of the Great Mother.


April 12th Monday 10:30- 12:00pm PST  Activation of Navaratri

April 13, 14, 15,  on Demand - Individual Home Retreat Flow 

April 16th Friday 11:00 - 12:00pm PST  Heart of Yogini Retreat Live

April 17th Saturday on DemandIndividual Home Retreat Flow

April 18th Sunday 9:00-10:30pm PST  Heart of Yogini Retreat Live

April 19th Monday 10:30 - 12:30pm PST  Heart of Yogini Retreat Live

April 20  on Demand - Individual Home Retreat Flow

April 21st 11:00 - 12:00pm PST  Shakti Sadhana + Completion Ceremony

Shiva Rea

With Your Guide

Movement is life for Shiva Rea, M.A, global Prana Vinyasa teacher, activist, and innovator in the evolution of vinyasa yoga around the world from large-scale festivals and conferences to unplugged retreats, and is known for offering the synthesis form of Vinyasa Flow bringing the roots of yoga alive for modern practitioners in creative, dynamic, and life-transforming ways for over 25 years. She is a pioneer in reviving the art of namaskar through diverse namaskars or salutations as well as developing wave-sequencing, three-part vinyasa to teaching alignment in the flow, energetic alignment, multi-dimensional sequencing, mandala circular wave-sequencing, rasa prana vinyasa, and integrating the creative, spontaneous movement known as “sahaja” in post-modern yoga. www.shivarea.com

Shiva Rea